Can't believe how long it's been since I last blogged. For those of you who emailed saying some version of 'Where the heck are new blog posts? Get off your tail, you joker!', thanks! I appreciate the support!
I'm back!
Here are some bullet points for your blog-reading pleasure. More detailed stuff is forthcoming:
- Bought an iPhone, even though I said I'd wait. Picked one up about 4 hours after the price drop. Absolutely love it.
- We're just around the corner from rolling out WiredParish 2.0 - one of the main reasons for my blogging hiatus. It's off the hook. You'll dig it mucho. Have it available for interactive shennanigans in plenty of time for Thanksgiving. (Make a great early Christmas gift . . . hint, hint! :) )
- Grinding out my last few classes for my Phd coursework. Griiiiiinding it out. Couple this semester. Couple next.
- Tim Bednar over at Turtle Interactive and I are having an Instant Message/Email Arm Wrestling Match re: I think it's glorious. He's skeptical. I'm winning so far . . . ;)
More later, friends!