Ryan made this blog comment this past
week. Since it was attached to a post from February and you'd likely never see it, I wanted to post it. Thought you’d dig it.
Ryan found PhilosophyAndPopCulture.com,
which features Kyle Johnson’s philosophy podcast from Wired Parish.
Here’s what he wrote:
Hi. My name is ryan and
I have been listening to this podcast. I stumbled upon this, not at all
expecting the christian base of these philosophical questions. Despite being
agnostic if border line atheist, I love this podcast. Each time they bring up
an argument, I almost cringe that I’m being preached at - and to my relief I am
not. The dialog in these podcasts are a refreshing discussion on arguments that
are out there.
To see a faith that is rationally
tested and not blindly followed gives me heart, and almost makes me want to
convert. ;)