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July 23, 2007



Hey, OT, but anything up with the podcast feeds? I've only been catching casts sporadically the past 3 weeks, and getting several "episode 2" w/o 1, or "episode 3" but no 2.

Jay Kelly

That should definitely not be the case. Sounds like there's a problem somewhere. I'm guessing this isn't your real email. Can you send a message through the site so I can check out your account?

Jay (the other Jay)

Do those exist, or is it just a term for the "organic" small group structure at your local emerging church?

Talk to Sally Goin. She runs FaithWorks of the InnerCity. She has taken a band of suburban soccer moms and retirees and transformed the community in and around Shidler elementary.


Jay - Opps... didn't realize my info had been deleted in my comment above. Some of the feeds updated yesterday, so maybe the problem is worked out. Thanks for checking.
("Anon" from above)

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