You definitely need to check out It's like your own personal
For the uninitiated, Digg is what's called a social news site. You find articles, links, etc. you like and you post them to Digg. Other readers can 'look over your shoulder' at what you 'Dugg' and vote on what they like (and vote against what they don't).
The voting mechanism is important because it pushes the most popular content to the front of the line so that readers can quickly find the most popular submissions without sifting through the site for hours.
CoRank functions exactly the same way, but YOU get to create your own social news site.
So suppose you wanted your ministry team to have a site where they could dump pertinent links for the rest of the team to view. CoRank makes that possible.
Or maybe you want a central hub where members of your church can submit content they find interesting. Set up a CoRank site for your church.
Heck, what if you're working on a project with a specific time frame that involves a fair amount of research? Set up a CoRank site that's project specific, and the appropriate team members can compile their web research in one location, voting the most helpful material to the front of the line.
You create the categories. You determine how open or how private the site is to other viewers and posters. You control the look and feel. The whole deal. Takes 3 or 4 minutes. Super fast.
Oh, and did I mention CoRank is free? Very cool.