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May 03, 2007



A couple mistakes:

First you equivocate between “believing there is no ultimate meaning” in 1. and there being no ultimate meaning in 2. This is not detrimental to any side of the argument, but would be nice to clean up for clarity.

Second, there is a problem with the objection:

Jay points out that an atheist can still find proximate meaning in something by, essentially, finding it enjoyable. This, he says, is an objection to premise 2. But I don’t think it is. 2. is “if [there is no ultimate meaning] then it is pointless to work toward human progress if you don't directly benefit.” To object to this (to find it false), one would need to find a situation in which the antecedent is true but the consequent false…in this case a situation where there is no ultimate meaning and yet there was a point toward working toward human progress even though one didn’t directly benefit. However, in the above case the atheist does have direct benefit: s/he finds the activity enjoyable. Thus I fail to see this as an objection to 2.

But as an overall note: I’m inclined to think that proximate meaning (PM) entails ultimate meaning (UM). It seems to me that when someone assigns PM to something, it is because they are convinced that the thing measures up to some standard—that is why they value it. If this is the case, the UM is logically prior to PM. Really, I can’t say more about this without a better definition of PM—but that is my inclination.

But, if this is right, this pushes the atheist toward nihilism. And this is similar to problems in ethics that atheist—like Richard Dawkins—face. Dawkins wants to make sweeping ethical claims—claims about the immorality of the behavior of religions (for one thing); and yet he has nothing to ground his ethical norms in—since he does not believe in God. He claims that they can be grounded in ethical works (utility, duty theories, etc.)… but such things all have mounds of objections to them. They don’t work. In fact, they fail so badly that philosophers have nearly stopped defending them (and instead have moved on to easier questions like “how do you live a good life.”)

So, in sum: for the same reason that Dawkins can’t ground his ethical claims in anything, neither can the atheist ground their PM claims in anything.

At best, for the atheist, both ethical claims and PM claims just amount to emotive claims:

“X is morally bad” just means “I don’t like X”
“I find proximate meaning in X” just means “I like X.”
(At least if the atheist wants their statements to be true they must mean this; the meanings of statements are determined by the speaker. Dawkins, when he makes ethical statements about religion, might actually mean something more than “I don’t like that.” But if he does, he is either contradicting himself or just saying something straight out false.


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