Newshutch is my default RSS Reader. It works just fine and dandy for me, and I've never spend any time looking for something better.
But with the Google Gears Beta release and its interface with Google Reader, I thought I'd give Google a try.
The benefit to using GGears with GReader is that you can actually take your unread posts with you offline. So if you are about to jump on a plane, you can catch up on blog reading while you're in the air.
This, of course, is glorious. GLORIOUS.
However, I gotta stick with Newshutch as my default reader.
If I'm headed away from WiFi for an extended period of time, I'll fire up GReader, but
Newshutch--and this is going to freak you out--is just cleaner than GReader.
Here's the thing:
When I mark an article as 'read' in Newshutch, it disappears. With GReader, it grays out but stays. Since I keep track of 60+ blogs, and since I get a grand sense of satisfaction when I'm up to date on a blog, this feature in Newshutch is REALLY helpful.
As far as I can tell, GReader doesn't allow for this.
(Am I right about GReader not having this functionality? If it does, I could be persuaded to switch, even though Newshutch's interface is cleaner and prettier.)
So for now I'm sticking with Newshutch and using GReader out of the bullpen when I'm away from WiFi.