« Scot McKnight and the Gospel | Main | In the Ears »

May 10, 2007


Jay (the other Jay)

From McKnight's article:

"Now a definition: The gospel is the work of the Trinitarian God (a community of persons) to create the community of faith in order to restore humans (made in God’s image) through the life, death, and resurrection of Christ as well as through the empowering gift of the Holy Spirit to union with God and communion with others for the good of the self and the world. And all of this to the glory of God."

I do like this definition. However, I have to wonder how someone who did a biblical study of the gospel could leave words like redemption, justification, propitiation, atonement, sacrifice, blood, cleanse and even wrath out of his definition. These are not theological concepts. Whether Old Testament or New, these are all words found in the text.

So it's not that I think McKnight is wrong, i just think he has short sold the gospel with a very tame definition.

Jay (the other Jay)

By the way, I meant for my comment to go on the previous post.

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