3. Looooooong Podcasts
In honor of this mistake, I'm keeping this post short. Short Message: DO NOT MAKE YOUR PODCASTS ANY LONGER THAN 30 MINUTES. 15-20 minutes is ideal.
There are several reasons for this . . .
A. People get tired of listening.
B. You won't force yourself to be as tight with your content (say ONE thing and get out).
C. Getting into a habit of longer casts means you have to find lots more things to talk about which dilutes the impact of your content.
D. You'll get tired of talking, and your energy level will wane leading to . . . (A).
If you listen to Between the Lines, the cast I do on Wired Parish, you'll notice that I do quite a few interviews that are 2 parters. If an interview is totally rocking, I don't want to cut short the magic if we hit the 25 minute mark. So we just keep going, and Goose (our head engineer) cuts it into two episodes. Don't hesitate to do this. There's no shame in having a great interview or an extended riff on a subject, but if you blaze past the 30 minute mark, do everyone a favor and chop into to pieces.
Go and do likewise.
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